Today is a good day, so why do I feel like it’s not?

I restarted my blog today. I have been putting it off for several months. I was unsure of how to proceed. I didn’t like the name of the first blog, so I tired to change it and connect it to this new blog, but then it all got messed up. I felt a strong resistance to doing anything about it, but knew that I would do something, soon. The renewal for the old blog is next month, so I had to do something about it soon. I am proud of myself that despite many distractions today, I was able to call and get it fixed, and here you have it. My new blog, Soul Connections.

I won’t tell you the old name, because all of it is gone anyway. You can’t look it up or anything. I really was struggling then to find the right words to say to be myself and also be helpful. Trust me, ego is a big deal around here, and I had some demons to slay around what to call the site and myself.

I have opted for something as descriptive as I can be. This is my soul’s purpose, to provide support for people to connect and remember their connections. I’m a teacher. I struggled with that, still might sometimes. It is a lot of responsibility to think about being that. I try then to not think of it. I just try to do it. My ego has a tendency to think too hard, monkey mind. I am more successful at taming that lately though, so that’s awesome.

If you want to know more about my thoughts on things like the ego, monkey mind, and the concept of higher self, read the posts up uploaded on the Connecting to Higher Self page. So far, there is a 6 step process. That seems like a lot, but wanted people to look at them in order of process rather than when I wrote or uploaded them. It’s fine to do in any order, but might make more sense in the order they were intended. You get to choose.

So, as I was saying, I’m doing well. Accomplished a lot so far today, and yet, I feel ill at ease. I can’t decide if the disease is my mind working to pressure me to feel something, or if I am picking up on actual energy around me. Could be a little of both.

I have some psychic skills. One of them is olfactory related, meaning I smell things others do not smell, and it is often related to a soul that has died and is now attempting to contact someone around me or me. Today, I keep smelling cigarette smoke. I do not smoke or live with or around people who smoke. Now I smell rotten potatoes, or sour dirt. I am inside with the windows closed and the air conditioning on. A friend’s mom died yesterday. I do not know how the smells might be related to her, but they could be. That is part of the disease.

I read some feedback from a training I delivered on Friday. Not all of it was positive. My monkey mind is trying to attract me to the negative things people said. I am actively trying to reject those thoughts. That struggle might be part of the disease. Perhaps I could just let them be there for a minute. I’ll try that.

I’m tired. I stayed up too late reading the Dark Tower by Stephen King. I am on book 2 of 7/8. My mind struggles more when I am tired.

I also feel guilty when I work from home and do laundry. That is also a monkey mind thing, guilt. Not useful.

Day 8 of the 30 day yoga challenge didn’t go well this morning, and yet, it did. I was not able to do the poses she was leading, but I did do something, which is all I need to do. Again, struggle of ego and monkey mind over higher self who knows just what I am supposed to do in yoga.

I guess I am saying, it is a good day. I have accomplished a ton, and there is no reason to feel ill at ease, and yet I do. Thank you to my monkey mind. It is a reminder that we all have a monkey, and that I will continue to struggle with mine, and that is okay.
