2: Understanding Higher Self

Higher Self

Your higher self is your sense of connection to everyone and everything.

Its sole purpose is to remind you of who you are and why you are here. To remind you of your purpose and to guide you on your path. A piece of all paths is about remembering where we come from and that there is really no self apart from other. There is no me without we. There is no I without us. The only reason we know we are separate is because there are others to look at. Alone, we mean nothing and are nothing. Connected we have every meaning and are everything. Our higher self is here to remind us of that.

Your higher self is also not good or bad, right or wrong, evil or benevolent either. It also, just is. It is you. Just like your ego is you. The only difference is that your higher self knows you and has not forgotten why you are here. It knows your every past and every purpose as you planned it before your birth. It knows why you are here and what you planned to experience in this lifetime. It wants to connect with you so that it can help you fulfill your purpose for being here on earth. It also cannot exist without the ego. The ego is your human physical form while the higher self is your spiritual self without form. They cannot exist on this plain without one another. Higher self encourages you to soar and your ego keeps you grounded. In balance, you will feel completely safe and know your purpose. You will feel strong and protected and also deeply connected. The problem is that the ego can disconnect you from your higher self when it gets over inflated, and then that balance is lost.