About Us

Souls in Training is a not for profit organization whose purpose is to support personal, spiritual, and relationship growth and development. As a support service it is non-denominational and not affiliated with any religious organization. Souls in Training is an open and welcoming community. We strive to be a community that truly welcomes all beings and commit to structuring our culture and practices in ways that empowers and enhance everyone’s participation. Systems of power, privilege, and oppression have traditionally created barriers for persons and groups with particular identities, ages, abilities and histories. We pledge to replace such barriers with ever-widening circles of solidarity and mutual respect.

Souls in Training provides a safe space for people to explore, test, practice, learn, and commune together. Our focus is growth and development. We do not subscribe to a system of beliefs that all are required to share. Instead we support each individual to reach inside themselves and connect to their own soul, beliefs, and purpose in life. It is personal growth and development in community with others on a similar path.

Our openness brings in people from all religious backgrounds, economic status, gender, race, and cultures around spirituality. As an open group of people seeking truth within ourselves, our strength is in acceptance and love unconditionally. People are free to speak their truth and grow in their own way without judgement or control. This practice will celebrate our souls as a community and allow us to be strong both individually and collectively, as is the design of the universe.

The ideas in the blogs are personal opinions. I do not have a license to dispense advice as a psychologist or anything like that. I do have a certificate as a Life Coach, for what that is worth, but if you are having mental health concerns, please consult a professional. Second, what I have learned about life, growth and development has come from listening to other intelligent humans, like Brene’ Brown, Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Dr. Joe Dispenza and Mark Manson, to name just a few. What I write here might sound like something they have said, and if I am aware of who said it, I will give them credit. In complete honesty, I am not “copying” from anyone’s work. My ideas are ones that I created in my own mind from all of the books, articles and videos that I have heard, read and seen. They also come from my 30 plus years in therapy and 56 plus years of life experiences. I have no idea sometimes if am quoting someone else or not. For this, I apologize to the many teachers in my life who deserve the credit for my ideas in part and sometimes in the whole. Please have grace for me in this one. My ONLY purpose here is to shed light on things in the world, and I hope that in so doing, someone’s day will be brighter and load lighter for reading it.


Souls in Training Team

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