3: Understanding Our Connection to Each Other

Higher Purpose

You are your higher self and your ego. I call them it because identity and gender in relation to them is not important. They are you, so we can call them ego and HS for short. HS was the part of you that sat down with you and your spiritual guides before you were born and chose your form and path for this life. Imagine you sitting around a table with several other souls with a giant poster board, paint, glue, markers and colored pencils. Together, you all took a part in drawing out your life path. Maybe you are into collages with magazine pictures, or string and macaroni. It doesn’t matter what the image is, imagine you and your soul friends sitting around in the 4th dimension planning your life. You are choosing your lessons. You are choosing your struggles, your danger, your joys, your connections, your parents, siblings, country, race, gender etc. While you are doing this planning those in your soul group who are helping you decide that this path you are on will need some support, which is true for all of us, and so agree to help you as part of your 3rd dimension soul group.

The group plans out their life path and where it will intersect with yours. Will they be friend or foe, family, co-workers, a challenge to you, or a supporter? Will they come and go in your life quickly or be there for the long haul. You all work together to plan the whole groups’ lives and how they will connect and what you will do together and a part to reach the higher purpose for us all. The table you originally might have imagined with 4-5 people might grow to 20, 100, 1,000 or a generation’s worth of members of a soul group. If you imagined this, you’d be right. All of our paths connect in some way. Even people you never meet are connected to you in some way. Think of that 6 degrees of separation theory. That any one person can be connected to any other person through their personal connections or acquaintances of 6 or less people. I am connected to everyone else through a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend, etc. to the extension of 6 or less. That means that all of our higher selves know each other, and we are all a part of the other’s story and journey, and when we connect, it is for a purpose. The purpose may seem very small or very meaningful. It doesn’t matter. There is purpose in all of it.

The higher self of you and of me know that purpose. It is easy for us to know the purpose of ourselves and others because at the “higher self” level we are souls fully connected by spirit in a 4th dimension of the universe, and on a 5th dimension level, there is no separation. We are one with each other, one soul. We are one with god. We are one with all things in the universe. We are one with everything that ever did and ever will exist. In the 3rd dimension the concept of such oneness is hard. The physical shells of our bodies make us think that we are separated from one another and from other things, and yet we are not.

Energy. We are energy. All of us are energy. That’s kind of it. You can feel the buzz of it in the air, the water, the physical properties of all things have a buzz of energy. Even things we think are not alive like a rock, vibrates with energy. That energy is what connects us and makes us one. Every move I make over here impacts the energy field of everything around me, which impacts the energy around them, which in turn affect . . ., etc., etc. 6 degrees of connection.