Do Your Judgements Make You Happy?

Humans spend a great deal of time and energy judging. We are constantly looking at people, things, environments, events etc. and assigning them values of good or bad, like or dislike, positive or negative, right or wrong. Here’s my question to you, “Do your judgements make you happy?” I ask this because regardless of what criteria or method you use to make your judgements, the bottom line is the results of making the judgement.

No one has a monopoly on the truth, on what is good, right, beneficial etc. There are so many variations of truth that exist on this planet, how can anyone truly believe that they have the one truth that is actually correct. We are all influenced by our history, culture, habits, friends, family etc. We only see the world from our own perspective. Even when we try to see the world from the perspective of someone else, it is always clouded by our own perceptions of what we think is the perspective of someone else.

This being said, no one is truly right and no one is truly wrong . We all have thoughts, opinions, judgements that are real and true for us, but to think that means they are true for anyone other than us, is just not true. I won’t say wrong because wrong makes an assumption that something is inaccurate, incorrect, bad etc. Not being right, does not make a person wrong. Not knowing what is true, does not mean you are wrong.

It is okay to be right about yourself, your feelings, your thoughts and know that they are true for you. Still, as you cling to those thoughts of your own as right and true, are they making you happy? Why do you need to defend your right to have your feelings, your thoughts? Why do you need to be so right even at the expense of a friend?

Immaturity is not bad or wrong, as I have mentioned, but it also won’t make you happy in the long run. It will serve to separate you from others and break connections with communities. It is judgements and holding onto them like they are a matter of life and death if you let them go, is immature, and will only serve to separate you from others.

Have an opinion, judge, believe! You are human and will do those things every day. Also remember the mantra of LTSG. Nothing you believe is worth making you and others miserable to hold onto as right and true. Are you really willing to risk a relationship, damage a love over being right? Maybe you are, and while that is immature, it is something that humans do, so makes you normal. But, what if . . . you could just Let That Shit Go?

What if instead you decided to be more than human? What if you looked beyond simple human judgements and saw others through the eyes of the divine? What would you see then? How would you judge others then? Divinity sees the love in us all. Divinity sees us without judgement as whole and beautiful creations. Divinity’s love is unconditional. Can you forgive? Can you just love others without judging them? Can you just see them and know they are perfect exactly how they are?

Do you think that would make you happy? Just drop your judgements and love others as they are, as the perfect beings they are. If you could do that, would that make you happy? I wonder . . . What have you got to lose, except your judgements?
