Meditation Minute: Releasing Physical Memories

Sometimes we intellectually process events. We rationalize them and tell ourselves all of the right things. We adjust our thinking and focus on the positive. We accept what has happened as something for us, and find its purpose in our life. We learn from it, grow from it. We let it go.

Events, especially traumatic ones, leave energy with us. That intellectual processing is capable of releasing the lingering low vibration energy of trauma, but sometimes that doesn’t quite get rid of it. The energy can settle in and if you have only processed it on a head level, your body might still hold onto the event in your body.

Strong emotions of fear and anger are likely to cause this sort of lingering. If something happened to you and you felt extremely afraid or angry or both in that moment, you may still be holding onto that fear and/or anger. Having a thought conversation about it is great, but that does not allow the energy to move out of your body. You may need to actually physically process the emotions and let the go.

The process isn’t super challenging, and in truth, you don’t even need to know or remember what event you may be processing to begin. It is likely your soul will tell you what it is while doing this, but if it doesn’t, that is also okay. You do not need to know, just ask for support to move the energy out of you regardless of what it is attached to.

This is something you might do if you seem to feel anger, fear, jealously, anxiety, etc. for what seems like no reason, or if you are very clear about the reason, and cannot seem to let it go. Even if your mind has let it go.

Begin by sitting comfortably with your eyes closed. Do not attempt to see or feel anything, just sit quietly and focus on your breath. As you breath imagine a white light of protection circling around you and coming inside of you to the area of your body where the emotions are stuck. Depending on where the light goes, it may change color. If it goes to your heart, it may turn green, do your lower spine, red, do your head, purple or throat, blue. It might change color to match the chakra where the energy is stuck. If it does or doesn’t change color that if fine, just allow it to be whatever it becomes and go wherever it wants to go.

Imagine the light swirling around the area and ask for the emotions that are stuck there to come to the surface. This might be the scary part, but it is so important. Allow the emotion or emotions to come to the surface. If you feel yourself pushing them away to not feel them, try to stop and allow them to come. You might scream or cry or sob. It’s okay. You need to do those things. When it feels like the emotion(s) are at the surface and you feel them, imagine the light surrounding them and gathering them up. Then breathe deeply and as you breathe out, force the air out of your lungs and imagine the light leaving on your breath and taking the emotions with it. Watch with each breath the stuck emotions leaving your body and taking with them the lower vibrational energy that had previously been stuck. It is not stuck anymore. It is leaving with each breath. Keep breathing until the emotion(s) subside.

Depending on how stuck and how large the energy mass is, you may need to repeat this process for several sessions. It is a process to release emotions and stuck energy. We can only do so much with our minds to process things. We need to sometimes allow the body to release energy. Imagining and feeling this happen is one way to do this.

Meditation Mantra: Today I release unwanted lower energies stuck from my experiences. I do not need them anymore. I feel my feelings and then allow them to leave me. I hold onto nothing. I let everything come and go as it needs to do so that nothing can get stuck.