Psychic Types Overview

There are a variety of ways that we can receive psychic energy. Many people have heard of the term clairvoyant. It is actually one of the “clairs” that does not get marked as a misspelled word, so is pretty common to the language. Not everyone knows what it means though, and fewer understand it completely.

When it comes to psychic intuition, there are 4 main types of receiving information, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual intuition. The 4 psychically intuitive routes of information are not unique to people who identify as “psychic” though. All humans and probably some animals receive energy information from the collective energy field through what might be considered a 6th sense or from beyond the 3rd dimension of reality.

There are the typical 5 senses we are taught in preschool and kindergarten; sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste. People receive psychic information through all of 5 of those senses as well as through the 6th sense.  The sixth sense is beyond the 3 dimensional physical realm, and comes from a place of just sensing something, like that the train will be late, or something is about to happen. Sometimes those senses of what is going to happen are accompanied by a sound, taste, prickly sense on your skin, being hot or cold. It is considered a “psychic” sensation if the source of the energy information was from something or someone who was not present in this dimension of reality. If you are standing outside in January in Minnesota and feel a wave of cold air. It’s probably not psychically generated. If you are standing in Florida in June and you get a wave of cold air, it might be. Consider what is obviously in the physical realm, and ask yourself if what you are experiencing is consistent with what is present there. If not, it could be psychically generated.

We all have intuition. Intuition may be psychically generated. Psychically generated means that it is coming from a source not of this dimension. It is not coming from your own thoughts and ideas or your physical surroundings in this 3-D world. It is coming from the 4th or 5th dimension. It can be hard to determine if some information is being generated outside of yourself or not. This is not necessarily super important to know. The beings in the 4th and 5th dimension who are sending you messages, know you are smart and can figure things out for yourself. They will send messages to you through your own thoughts as well as out of the blue something you never would have thought of.

An example might be, while I am brushing my teeth, I suddenly see in my mind and think about a specific friend of mine. Maybe someone I haven’t seen in a long time. I see an image that I remember from when I last saw them, or remember something we last did together. Those are my thoughts and memories. What triggered me to see them and recall them though, that might be something outside of me. Do you ever just have this sense that you need to call your mom, a friend, or co-worker to check in? You might have thoughts and feelings about that person that are generated by you, but the trigger for them might be outside of you. In truth, there is no separation of us in the 3-D world and those in the 4th and 5th dimensions. We are all part of the same energy field. It makes sense then, that if we are open to it, they can send us a message, trigger a memory, or a thought of something, or spark a brilliant idea. We think it. It is our idea, and someone from beyond might be adding in their 2 cents too. It isn’t so much where does the information come from. It comes from everywhere, everyone and everything. All of it is energy, and we are constantly perceiving that energy and trying to interpret it.

Psychic abilities are honing that interpretation skill. In particularly honing the skill of understanding the relationship of energy information coming from outside of our 3rd dimension. We all have these abilities. We just don’t all want to or know how to interpret them. It is one thing to be able to interpret what is happening inside the 3-D world we all live it. It is another to be able to accept and interpret what is coming from somewhere else. The two energy sources are not separate though. Sometimes psychics believe there is a defined separation between what is being generated from inside of them and what is being generated from outside of them, and they want to define the separation. Sometimes it is felt that if it is my own idea, then it isn’t as valid as information from the spirit world. Consider why you might think that. To be a good psychic does not mean that you can separate where the information is coming from.

It does not matter if the idea, thought, emotion, or message comes from your own mind or from the energy of someone’s dead relative. If an idea or message is being generated from either of those places, it can be a valid or invalid message for the other person for whom you believe you are receiving it. Just because it is coming from my dead grandma does not make a message any more valid than if it comes from the brain of either myself or my psychic friends. Consider the message itself, not the source. Spirit guides, angels, and other divine energy speak to us all of them time in so many different ways. It is not important to give them credit, and it does not make the message any better or worse than if a human generated it.

We tend to think that if the message is from the divine, we need to take it seriously and follow it. We tend to trust what we think is divine more than we trust what is human. The opposite is also true. Some feel that psychic messages are all from the Devil or evil spirits, except if they are from God himself. They also believe they know the difference. There is no difference. It is all energy coming from spirit. I am not saying whether there is a God or a Devil. That is not the debatable point here. What I am saying is there isn’t necessarily going to be a clearly defined line of what is human and what is spirit because the line is not there to define. We are all connected spiritually and energetically to whatever is divine, and to whatever is considered evil.

When it comes to psychic types, those who are open to and regularly receive information they recognize as coming from spirit generally fall into one of 4 categories; physical intuitive, mental intuitive, emotional intuitive or spiritual intuitive. Each of those types is described in their own post, so I will not go into details here. The types are not exclusive. You are not one or the other. We all are a combination of all 4. You may feel that receiving information in one way or the other is easier for you, and that is valid. As I mentioned earlier though, we receive information continuously through all 6 of our senses at the same time, so separating which ones are psychic can be messy. Spirit will also use our human senses and minds to show us images and messages mixed with our own thoughts and emotions. Separating the source is not as important as interpreting the messages.

It is most important to determine the purpose of the message. All messages are for us. In saying Us,  I mean all of us. I might get a message for me, but it is also for you, and vice versa. Stay tuned to more on interpreting messages from within and without.
