My Take on Covid-19

Pretty sure every blogger on the planet has weighed in on the covid-19 issue. I have not yet done so. Not because I don’t have opinions. I simply have been taking care of other issues in my life.

I do have thoughts. I have read a ton of information and talked to a variety of people about it. There is so much information out there that I find I don’t have anything new to share that isn’t out there a bunch of times already. What I do want to do is try to support and encourage people. That is my jam.

To that end, I encourage and support you to do these things.

    • Stay calm and not panic
    • Prepare for a different lifestyle
      • Less face to face interactions
      • Less touching
      • More connecting via video and writing
      • Having more supplies on hand (Please do not buy out the stores of everything. Get what you might need for short periods of isolation. Go back to don’t panic. Society is not going to break down completely.)
    • Do what you can to stay healthy
      • Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer
      • Sanitize surfaces in your home and vehicles
      • Avoid touching surfaces that others touch often
      • Eat a balance of food
      • Move around sensibly (aka exercise)
      • Sleep, super important to sleep well
      • Meditate or pray or focus on positivity, whatever works for you, and do it more frequently than usual
    • Do what you can to keep others healthy
      • If you feel sick, stay home and order in
      • Do not gather in large groups
      • If you are sick and around people , wear a mask and don’t cough or sneeze on people or surfaces (even if you are well don’t do that)
      • Wash your hands and any surfaces you touch or breath on frequently
      • Meditate or pray or focus on positivity, whatever works for you, and do it more frequently than usual. Sending this positive energy into the quantum field is not just for you. It is for all of us.
    • If you google or investigate covid-19, stick to trusted sources of information, like the World Health Organization or the Centers for Disease Control. If you are a conspiracy theorist, you might not trust those organizations. In which case, pick a neutral scientific source that isn’t trying to cause a panic.
    • This is a bad situation, and it isn’t an apocalyptical event.
    • Life will return to normal in time, or perhaps it will not return to normal. Perhaps it will evolve into something better. Crisis often creates improvements in society. Let’s look forward to creating a better world after this.
