Ask the Soul Team

The Soul Team is here for you. We do not have fancy degrees or education in universities that qualify us to give you advice. We do not pretend to know everything, or anything for that matter. What we have is experiences. Many lifetimes of experiences that we are aware of and from which we have learned a great deal. Still, we do not know anything.

Advice columns are several hundred years old and they have mostly been done by people without fancy educations, and who other people believed in and listened to. They were not necessarily experts, just people who were thought of as experts. We are not experts in anything except our own thoughts, and that is still questionable. What we do here is share those thoughts with you based on what you want to know. If you find it helpful, great. If you find it unhelpful, great! Getting unhelpful information is as helpful as helpful information. Now you know what you don’t want to or care to know. That is something to be aware of.

We are not attached to being brilliant or helping people. We were led to create a place for people to ask questions, and so we did that. We will answer all questions as honestly as we can, though we have less answers for some types of questions than others. If you want advice about stains or electrical work, please go to YouTube. If you have an easier question about the nature of life and the universe, we are happy to share our thoughts on those subjects. Also be aware that no answers are right or wrong. It is up to you to decide what you believe. We may even change what we believe from time to time. We were not right the first time. We are not right when we change our minds. We were not wrong either. You decide what is right for you.

Namaste (the light in me honors the light in you),

The Soul Team

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