Logic Escapes Me

I have been working on a blog about how the logic being applied in the Covid pandemic has begun to escape my sense of logic. Well, my rant on this topic was over 2,500 words. I have found most people don’t want to read anything that long. I mention that because I am going to try to skinny down my thoughts here, and know, that if it seems simplistic, it’s because I am trying to be concise, where being concise may not be enough. Most of what I eliminated was my interpretation of the science I have read. You can find those resources yourself, just Google them.

The bottom line I have been trying to explain to people around me is Math related and has to do with getting a Covid “vaccine” shot. From here on I will call that “the shot.” I will call it that because I have discovered that the “vaccine” is not actually a vaccine. It works completely different from the definition of vaccine. If you are interested in that topic, please see other resources more scientific than me.

So logic: I was told, as we all were, to get the shot and it would prevent me from getting sick with Covid. I trusted the people saying this and got the shot. After getting the shot, I felt sick for about a week and missed at least one and a half days of work, and was less productive for at least a week. They said being immune would take two shots, so I got the second dose. Again, felt sick for a week, lost some work time and productivity. In Math terms, I had now had symptoms and impacted my life for over two weeks.

People who had gotten the shot were now getting sick with actual Covid, so they said, “get another shot to prevent that,” so I did. Again, I felt unwell and missed work time, unproductive for about a week. Logic here is, get the shot so you don’t get sick, and when getting the shot, I got sick three times. Up to over 3 weeks of symptoms and effects.

So, “they” started saying, if you get the shot, you might still get sick with actual Covid if you get the shot, BUT you are less likely to die from it. Okay, so I can buy that logic. Then I watched the stats of people getting Covid that were in the hospital and those that did and did not get the shot. Stats were saying that it was fairly close to 50/50 shot receivers and non-shot receivers. So, my logical brain started to question if the shot was really doing anything for me at all? I had now been sick with shot symptoms for over three weeks.

Then, I got actual Covid. I was sick for about a week and lost some work time, was less productive for a little over a week. At the same time, my girlfriend who did not get the shots also got Covid, she was slightly more sick than I was. I felt like I had a really bad cold for a week, then some lingering odd symptoms on and off for another week. She felt like she had the flu for about a week, then odd on and off symptoms for another week. I should also mention that I was given an antiviral right away by my doctor which my GF was not. So, basically, shot vs no shot, minor difference in how sick we got with Covid. However, she never got shots so was never sick before getting Covid.

Here is the Math. I was sick with Covid symptoms for more than 5 weeks if you combine shots and actual virus. My GF was sick for a little over a week, two max with symptoms. How did the shot make a difference for me? Well I had more sick time and lost productivity from it. Logically, getting the shot was not a good idea for me. I will not being doing any more of them. I hear them saying we just need to keep getting shots to keep from getting sick or really sick. That is not what I see happening. Yes, I see people who did not get the shot getting sick several times with actual Covid. I also know just as many people who got the shot who are also getting sick multiple times with actual Covid and also getting sick when they get the shots. The shots do not logically help anyone I know. They are actually making it worse for people I know because they have to endure both Covid and shot symptoms combined rather than just enduring Covid.

I realize that this is a polarizing topic. I am just trying to apply logic here. In my world, in the news I see, and the evidence from all sides that I read, NO ONE knows what will work and what is safe and effective. NO ONE does. Logic for me is what works in my world view and experience. That is all I can go on. I know many people have many other stories that contradict my stories. I get that. How about this, you apply your logic, and I will apply mine. Do your own Math. Don’t just tow the party line of BS from our politicians, who we know constantly lie about almost everything. Why would they tell the truth about this? They wouldn’t. They are saying whatever they think they need to say to stay in power, which is what they always say. I do not trust a person in power. Their goal is always to stay there, not to think of my welfare. It’s human nature to do that. I suppose that here and there, there are decent people in power, and that does not mean that I trust them.

Seek out the voices that are being set aside as fringe. Listen to everyone, not just the people who are popular and agreeing with each other. Seek out opinions that do not agree with your own. Hear it all. Look at all of the statistics in open and obscure places. Look at all of the science, both the popular and the unpopular scientists. Take in everything that is out there, and your own personal experiences, and then you choose what is logical. I did that, and to me, the logic says, shots are not helping and might actually be hurting us. But hey, that is just one opinion to consider.
