Video on Genuine Love vs. Attachment

Below is a video from Tenzin Palmo Jetsunma on the difference between genuine love and attachment. I keep talking about attachments are what is causing our suffering. It is also what ruins relationships. We get attached to so many things when in a relationship with others. Regardless of the nature of the relationship, we nearly immediately become attached to who we think they are, who we think we are to them, who we want to be to them, how we think the relationship will go, and on and on. It is all in our minds, in our ego minds. None of what we are attached to is really there. If we drop the attachment and simply stay present with people in the moment, we will see them as clearly as we can, and be able to love them without conditions, no attachments to the past with or without them, no attachments to the future, with our without them, just now with them. That is all we ever really have with people is this moment right now. All the rest is suffering. Anyway, listen to her. She is on point with the direction I am becoming. She speaks as if from my own heart. Love it.
