One More Thing

I had an epiphany today. All this conversation about goals and control and how we can’t control anything, and whatever is supposed to happen will happen by design etc. Might be hard for people to embrace.

I received a photo which I have attached to this. I apologize to whomever created it, as I do not know where it came from. It is the epiphany though. Things like controlling results or outcomes, having goals to achieve this or that, or this and that. All of that is about the end game.

What I have been trying to say, perhaps in way too many words is, that the end results do not matter as much as the game itself. It does not matter who wins or loses this game of life. We all end up in the same place afterward. When we get there, we will be held accountable for this life. Not like we go to hell for eternity, but someone is going to ask you about the choices you made and ask you to give an explanation of them. You might have to figure some things out or make things right. You might have to atone for some things. We all have that, no matter how awesome we are. Our choices here are for learning. After here, we are not done learning. As we account for our lives here, we finish our learning from it. Then we choose the next thing, human life, animal life, spirit life etc.

While we are here, the end game will always result in us dying to this life. No one does any better than that. So the results of our efforts are not about the end game. The effort is just about the life, the journey, the path itself. It is all, and only, about having the experiences, no matter what the results of them are. When it’s over we will need to account for our choices, yes, so consider that in making them for sure. Do you want to explain why you made the choice to kill, steal, yell at someone etc.? Do you want to explain why you forgave someone, loved someone, supported or encouraged someone? I will have to explain things I am not proud of, and much that I am, because I am human. What I will say is, I learned so much, and can I go try it again? What will you say?

What happens to us, shapes us. In fact, it does not happen to us, it happens for us for that very reason. What will it shape you into? That is the choice you get to make. Make it wisely. Make it with compassion. Make it lovingly.


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