Connecting to Spirit

As I mentioned in the overview post, information is coming to us from all directions through all of our senses all of the time. It can be difficult to determine how much of a message is coming from your own thoughts, and how much is from spirit.

Spirit is defined as any being or energy that is not present in the physical 3rd dimension. That would include departed souls who have lived on earth. Some would be those departed from earth more recently. There are also those that departed long ago. We may recognize them by name of their most recent incarnation if we knew them when they lived. They may be named by what their soul is called, especially if they lived a long time ago. They may simply be identified as a spirit guide, woman in white, the Chief, a raven or other animal, etc.

There are also angels and archangels. These are divine beings that according to many have not lived a life on earth as a human. There are 7 archangels if you count Lucifer, who some do not. He is identified as a fallen angel and the devil by many, so no longer an angel, but he was an archangel at one time, so you decide.

All of these beings have the capability of providing guidance and sending messages to those of us living in the 3-D world. It can be difficult to get a message through. Beings on the other side vibrate at a very high rate. They do not have a physical body to slow their vibration. Our physical bodies and our egos slow our vibrations down a great deal. So much so that we are physical beings instead of spiritual energies with no bodies. Transmitting messages between the spiritual and physical dimensions can then be a challenge due to the rate at which the energies of each are vibrating. See the Psychic Tower image for illustration.

It happens in the physical world also. Consider someone that you are uncomfortable spending time with. It isn’t that you dislike them or that they did anything to harm or offend you. You just don’t feel comfortable with them. Sometimes that discomfort is simply that you and that person are vibrating at different rates and so when you are together it feels uncomfortable. It isn’t good or bad that it is that way. It just is. Consider how it feels to be with someone who is so excited about something, when you are feeling kind of down about something else. Feels a little uncomfortable, right? Same is true for them too. Sometimes we blame the other person for the discomfort or start thinking we don’t like the person, but can’t quite put our finger on why. It may be simply an energy difference. Some people vibrate high, and others low. It is more based on their openness to spirit and connectivity to the higher dimensions, than whether they are a good or bad person. Truly, all people have capacity for both good and bad, their vibrations aside.

There are things we can do to raise our vibration in order to be able to receive messages more clearly from the spirit worlds. Things like meditation, prayer, focusing on gratitude and other higher vibrational emotions, dealing with emotions in the present moment, and living in the present moment, rather than the past or future. Spirit is always now, and only now. Letting hurts, emotions, difficulties etc. build up and not managing them as the happen will bring down your vibration very quickly. That is why overwhelmed and stressed out people have low energy. They are holding onto too much of the past. That practice of holding onto things will bring down your vibration and make connecting to spirit more difficult. When we meditate, pray, let go, manage, whatever you want to call it with our present life situations regularly, we release the heaviness of life and raise our energy up toward spirit, and are then more easily contacted by spirit. When the contact is more direct, it is easier to interpret and even identify who it is from, though as I have said, that isn’t the most important point. The purpose of the information is what matters.

How do we determine what information’s purpose is?

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