Physical Intuitive

If you are a physical intuitive, that means that you receive intuitive information through your body. Like with other intuitive abilities, you probably have at least a little bit of this skill. The different types of psychic intuition related to physical intuitives are clairsentience, psychometry, and hands on energy healing.

Emotional intuitives also have clairsentience, or clear feeling. The difference with a physical intuitive is that they don’t just feel feelings in their body, they would also feel physical sensations along with that feeling. Many people have intuitive senses of smell, vision, taste, touch, and hearing. The physical sensations that come from spirits are points of reference usually meaningful to the person intuitively receiving them. For example, when I smell cigarettes, it is a point of reference for identifying the spirit trying to communicate, meaning when they were alive, they smoked. Another friend tastes lemons for everyone, just a point of reference that a spirit is present. Each time you have a physical sensation, try to relate it to something meaningful, and then it will become a point of reference for the future.

Psychometry is receiving intuitive messages from holding or touching objects. You might see images, feel emotions, hear messages or know things when you touch something. That is combining your intuitive senses together with physical intuition of touch. This takes some practice.  When you start, find a quiet and peaceful space to do it. It can be hard to receive messages in any sort of distracting environment. To practice, have someone put items like cards, letters, small objects etc. into envelopes. Hold the envelope and try to “see” what is in there. You might get an image of what it is exactly, or you might get related images. Whatever you receive can become a point of reference for the future, so just catalog it. Then take out the item and hold it. Close your eyes and allow whatever is meant to be received come to you. Talk to the person who put the item in there and tell them what you saw, felt or experienced. See what connections you can make with the object, and again, form points of reference for the future.

Energy healing is often done physically. Some healers touch a person during healing, others simply hold their hands above the person. Either way, it is physical intuition or psychic abilities that are providing the healing energy transfer. Massage therapists are often physical intuitives, knowing exactly where to massage. You might wonder how they know that your shoulder hurts or lower back just in that exact spot. Yes, you told them, and also they know as soon as they begin the massage. They are  sensing what areas need attention and then passing healing through their touch.

If you are an energy healer, a massage therapist, acupuncturist, chiropractor, Reiki healer, shaman etc., you need to clear that energy after you are finished with a person. Visualize the energy you pull from the person being gathered up by your ball of light. Infuse it with love and divine healing, then return it to the person. You can do it during the session or after. Either works well. It is important to not hold onto this energy within you. I have a friend who does massage. I do not know if he generally sheds the energy he pulls from others, but sometimes he is really crabby, which makes me sometimes wonder if he knows he is pulling energy from people, or if he just isn’t shedding it well. Not every healer in those professions knows that they are taking on the energy of others, and so does not know they need to release it. That can be tough for them because they are not even aware that their potential negative feelings are not their own.

Healers are not the only people who pick up on the physical illness or pain of others. Anyone with physical intuition can pick up on another person’s physical symptoms, aches, or pains. You may have chest pain, trouble breathing, aching joints, etc. but have no physical reason for these pains or troubles. If that is true, what you may be doing is picking up and taking on the illness or symptoms of another person. You are not crazy. You are psychic. Like healers, releasing both pain, illness and symptoms of others and any that are your own, need to be released into the energy field. It doesn’t matter if the symptom is your own or not, you can gather it up into your energy light ball, ask for healing power for it, then send it into the collective field, back to whomever it came from healed, or simply into the field as positive energy for the world. Again, it does not matter if it is your own or someone else’s symptoms. You can heal it and release it. If it is your own, it might take longer for it to leave, but keep working on it.

Whatever your intuitive abilities, as you begin to hone them, you may find that you pick up a physical ability or two. We all tend to have a bit of all the types inside of us, even if one or the other is stronger.
