Emotional Intuitive

Emotional intuition is “feeling”. Not like with your hands or skin, but with your heart. Emotional intuition is that moment when emotion overtakes you, but you were not necessarily feeling anything specific just moments before. A person might walk by you in a store and all of the sudden you are just so sad, happy, or angry. You might be sitting watching TV and you feel sad, even though you are watching a happy show. It’s when you are minding your own business doing what you do, and then wham, there is an emotion there that you can’t call your own.

The two types are Clairsentience and Clairempathy. Clear feeling and the sensing of emotions of others. With clairsentience, you just feel a feeling, not necessarily your own, not necessarily from others. Just like clear knowing, you just feel something or know of a feeling. You may or may not know why or what the feeling is for, but it has a purpose. In readings an emotional intuitive might feel a wave of joy or sadness, even if the other person isn’t feeling either of those. That might be a sign that a specific event will happen that will bring that feeling into the person’s life. In other words, the feeling you feel as an emotional intuitive might be for the present moment, or a message about the future for yourself or another person.

Clairempathy is about sensing the emotions of others. Some empathic people simply sense the emotions from a “knowing” point of view. I just know you are sad or angry, but I don’t feel what you feel, sort of perspective on others’ emotions. They might also actually feel that emotion. When an empathic person feels the emotions of others, they are combining clairsentience with clairempathy. They are both sensing and feeling the emotions of others.

When picking up and feeling emotions, or when having emotions of your own, the important thing is to not allow the emotions to get stuck inside of you. Whether the emotion is a lower vibrational one, like anger or fear, or an elevated one like love or compassion, it is harmful to your body to hold onto any emotion. Our bodies’ energies are meant to flow and move. Our systems and chakras are most healthy when the energy is moving and flowing. Think about the fluids in your body, they are constantly moving. That is what makes us alive physically. Energies of emotions are the same. They need to keep moving. We are not meant to stay one emotion all of the time, not even happy.

When the emotion is your own, the key is to give yourself permission to actually feel the emotion. Depending on your nature, it can be equally hard to allow yourself to feel elevated emotions as it is for lower vibrational ones. It is really important that you do feel your own emotions though. If you don’t, they tend to not be released, get stuck, and cause suffering of some kind. Even happiness that is avoided can turn into something harmful. Feel happy when you are happy. Love when you love, and be angry when you are angry. There is nothing wrong with any emotion. How you express an emotion can be harmful to yourself and others, which is a different lesson from this one. Be safe in expressing yourself and feel what you feel. Then let it go. It’s just a feeling. You don’t need to keep it. See a light of whatever color makes sense to you gather up the emotion and take it out of your body to leave space for something new.

There are somethings to consider if you are having trouble with your own emotions. That is, if you are experiencing lower vibrational emotions and holding onto them or not feeling them fully and releasing them. As you allow those energies to build up inside yourself, you are emitting an energy field around you that is full of that lower vibrational energy. A few things will happen with that, you will attract more of that energy to you, and you will be sending that energy out to others. If you spend time with empathic people, that might cause them discomfort. That is NOT your fault. They are responsible for taking care of themselves and not taking in your emotions and allowing them to harm them. Just consider that if you are not taking care of your own emotional health and energy, that can affect others desire to be around you. One way for emotional intuitives to take care of themselves is to not be around people who are stuck in lower vibrational fields. People may seek space from you if you are not able to clear your own energy field well. Practice clearing your own emotions as frequently as you clear the ones of other people. There are several other blogs on the site about this topic, so not really for this particular blog.

When it comes to the emotions of others, they are equally important to let go of. Sending them back to where they came from is key. We don’t want to send a person’s anger back to them as anger though. We want to support that person to heal their anger. We can imagine our light of choice gathering up the emotions of others and swirling them with healing, then send them back to the person so they can feel them fully, and then heal from it.

If you are an emotional intuitive being around other people can be really uncomfortable. The more people there are around you, the more emotions you can sense and feel. That might feel somewhat like a roller coaster to be around. If you are around sad or angry people a lot, that can become pretty draining. Frequent, at least daily, clearing of the emotions of others is important for emotional intuitives. If you are working or living in a hostile or depressing environment, you might want to do it more often, several times a day. Clearing is just surrounding emotions with light, asking for healing, and sending them back to where they came from. You are not responsible for what happens to the other person with their emotions. They need to heal it themselves. All you are doing it giving them a boost to support the healing. You don’t have to know from whom the emotions came. If you do, send them back directly. If you don’t, the universe knows, they will be able to find the person they belong to and return them.

Emotional intuitives tend to need a lot of self-care. Taking in the emotions of others can be draining. They might need a lot of time away from other people to recharge. Blocking the emotions of others can also be helpful in some situations. Imagine your light of choice around you and protecting you. Imagine it blocking lower emotions and energies that might harm you, and only letting in elevated, supportive emotions and energies. You can still sense others’ emotions and support their healing without actually letting that emotion inside your field.

Namaste, I see the emotions in you, I feel what you feel, I allow it all to flow naturally around and through us

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