Mental Intuitive

Mental Intuitive types receive information in the form of thoughts and knowing.  Think in terms of a great idea that just pops into your head from nowhere, the times you just seem to know what is happening, going to happen, or what someone else is going to do or say. How often are your instant ideas right?

Mental intuition is hard to distinguish from our own thoughts because it’s in our minds. The difference is that mental intuition isn’t coming from inside you, it comes from the energy of the collective mind. It is messages from guides, angels, and the divine. You can tell the difference because intuited information is not necessarily logical. You didn’t get there by following a logical path. It was just there from seemingly nowhere. You may have been pondering a logical path at the time of the insight, but you find the information unexpected.

You will know the thought comes from your mind if it is ego driven. If it is something familiar, possibly doubtful, or hesitant. Not necessarily your response to the thought. If you have a doubtful thought in response to an intuitive thought, the intuitive thought was not doubtful, your ego’s response to it was. This is very common. We think, “That can’t be right.” Trusting intuition can be difficult at first, and the pay off is greater opportunity to grow and learn from sources outside of your own mind, so give it a try.

Most intuitive types use a form of mental intuition in combination with their other intuitive style to process ideas. If this is your main style though, you just know things. You don’t know why you know, you just do. You may get images of words or things, get messages in the form of phrases or just ideas.

The different sources for the mental intuitive are Claircognizance, Clairaudience, and Telepathy. Clair simply means “clear”. In this case we have clear knowing and clear hearing. Clear knowing is as mentioned, just knowing something from seemingly nowhere. Clear hearing is not necessarily hearing actual sounds or words, but more in your mind’s ear, hearing messages. Telepathy is sharing information from live person to person transmission.

Attempt to not get too caught up in trying to discern if the idea was your idea or an intuited one. Was it a good one? Did it work out? Did it serve you and the greater good? It does not matter if you are a smart person who can logically find solutions to problems or read a situation well to determine the best most logical course of action, or if you are a mental intuitive who can simply know the solutions to problems or course of action. In truth, your mind and your intuition can work together seamlessly. Trust yourself and your intuition and try not to get too caught up in whose idea it was. You can look at the world around you and notice the subtleties of it. From those you can use your mind to find answers to questions. You can also be open to the answers from the universe and work to know together. You do not need to question where the information came from as long as the information is useful, positive, and serves you and the greater good.

The only thing to watch out for is ego. Your ego can sometimes lie to you to try to keep you from taking risks. Spirit and divine inspiration from the universe will sometimes ask you to take a risk, to jump out there and be brave. Your ego usually will try to keep you from putting yourself out there and being exposed to possible failure or pain. Failure and pain are part of how we learn. If we avoid them, we do not learn as well. The universe knows this. The universe has your back and will keep you safe. It just might have different ideas of what safe it from your ego.

I cannot soar like an eagle if I never leave my nest. Spirit would not allow you to stay in your nest all of your life. It would want you to soar. Ego would have you stay safe in the protection of your nest your whole life. It is protecting itself, not necessarily you. Spirit knows you can fly. Trust it to give you the knowledge you need to do it.

Namaste, Clearly know and hear, and trust

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