Spiritual Intuitive

All intuition comes from a spiritual source; your higher self, spirit guides, spirit beings, angels, archangels, and/or the divine energy of everything. So in a sense, all psychic types are spiritual in nature. However, if you are a spiritual intuitive type, you tend to have more direct and open connection to those on the other side. You can connect directly to those who have crossed over, angels, and the divine. The different ways to Intuit spirit are called mediumship and clairvoyance.

Mediumship is that direct connection to spiritual beings on the other side. As a spiritual intuitive, you may be able to directly find and speak to specific beings. They may also seek you out to send messages or to communicate with.

Clairvoyance is clear seeing. You may receive visions of scenes, images, futures or past events. They may come as realistic or symbolic messages while awake, meditating or dreaming.

Because spiritual intuitives are so open to psychic messages from other dimensions, they tend to be a little bit dreamy and feel disconnected to this dimension. They may have trouble with time and space, in that they can’t seem to stay connected to it in this dimension. There is no time and space in the 4th and 5th dimension, so if you spend a great deal of time connected there, you might not feel that sense of time and space here in the 3rd dimension. They also tend to be overwhelmed in crowds or with new people. Spirit beings will sometimes collect around spiritual intuitives wanting to give them messages. This can become overwhelming for the spiritual intuitive. They may need to spend more time alone recharging and avoid larger crowds and newer people. If they are unaware of their connection to the spirit realm, they may struggle with feeling “crazy” or being weird.

Learning to control your gift is especially important for those who are spiritual types. Because you have that direct connection, you have to learn go shut it off, or ask for peace from across the divide. Boundaries are very important. Asking spirits to be clear about what they want, and then asking them to leave you alone, is fair and not rude to do. You do not have to do what they are asking. You also do not need to listen to their messages. You are in control and can tell them to leave you alone. You can set rules like, that you only are open to receiving messages when you are actively stating your openness to receive them, such as, when doing a reading, asking for information, or meditating. You are the one in this physical world. You are stronger than they are. You get to decide when and where you are open to receiving messages. The energy light I have been speaking about can also guard you if necessary. Imagine the light surrounding you and keeping out messages except those that are positive and beneficial. It can also keep all messages out for periods of time when you need to focus on other things. 

Connection to spirit is a wonderful gift to receive, and it present at some level in all of the intuitive types, and especially open in spiritual intuitives.
