Meditation Minute – Elevated Emotion

Call to mind a memory, one that brings with it an elevated emotion. It does not matter if that memory is “real” or imagined. All memories of the past are imagined, and they are all real. Call to your mind something that brings you joy, happiness, peace, confidence, comfort, gratitude or something else from the Dr. Joe list on yesterday’s post (3/11/2019). See the memory clearly as though it is happening now in this very moment. Focus on how it touches your heart with emotions. Concentrate on the sounds of the memory, on the touches, smells and tastes within it. Put yourself inside the memory so that you can fully feel everything that the memory brings to you.

Who are the people in the memory? Where are you? What are you wearing? What are you doing? What is the story of the memory? This story is how you think this event or time was. It is not how it really was. No one remembers anything with complete truth. It does not matter if you embellish the memory. You can feel confident in knowing that everyone embellishes. The point here is to feel the emotion of the memory as deeply as you possibly can. Make sure you focus on an elevated emotion, something that raises your vibration up. If there are aspects of the memory that would bring you down, you can skip over those. That is no the point of this exercise. This is an exercise to bring to your heart and mind elevated emotions.

Allow the emotions to sit inside your heart. Feel it well up inside you until you feel like you cannot contain it. Then imagine the emotions bursting out of you. Feel it flow through your whole body and out of the pores of your skin. See the emotion fill you up and surround your whole existence. Feel it as strongly and fully as you possibly can feel it. Create a new memory, one that is about this moment when you created the most complete and fullest emotional experience. This will be the moment you use in your meditation.

Let go of the people, the clothes, the things that you are doing. Let go of the sounds and smells, tastes and senses of the memory, and just feel the emotions. Be lifted up with them until you feel like you can float away on them. If it is love, feel so much love you cannot contain it. If it is gratitude be so grateful that your heart may burst with it. Just feel it, all of it, and then release it. What we know is that our bodies are not meant to hold onto anything for very long. There is always in and out going on in our physical selves. We eat, we eliminate. We breathe in, and then we breathe out. Our blood circulates and regenerates, our skins sloughs off daily. Things grow and we cut them, constantly trimming everything.  We are not meant to hold onto anything. Emotions and things of a spiritual nature are no different. We are not meant to hold onto them, only experience them and let them go.

Create this experience of strong, elevated emotions to keep in your bank. Not to try to hold the emotion forever, but so it is easy to find when you need it. Then, when you meditate on something, or are struggling with something, you will have this moment, this memory of feeling so loved, so grateful, that you can just pull it out and use it to elevate your whole being.

Having an elevated emotion while we attempt to program our future is very helpful for that to come true. If I am wishing for something to change for the better, but feeling anxious and worried about what bad thing might happen, I am wishing with the emotions I am trying to avoid. If instead if wish, and hope, and imagine a future while concentrating on love, or gratitude, or any other elevated emotion, what I am drawing to me is something that will imitate what I am putting out there.

What you put out into the universe is what you tend to attract. Sometimes that is because you are more open to see bad things when you are carrying lower vibrational energy in your heart. It is easier to see wonderful and amazing miracles when you hold something as high as love in your heart. Love is not better than hate. It’s just that if you put your intentions into the world with hate, you will be more likely to see hate when it is near. You will be less likely to notice if love approaches, since your hate will be the lens you look through. If you put your intentions out into the world with love, you will be more likely to see them return with love. You will notice love before you notice hate, as love is the lens through which you are seeing.

Good things happen in everyone’s life. Bad things happen in everyone’s life. Whether the things that happen in your life are good or bad depends mostly on what lens your heart is looking at them with. See the world through love colored glasses, your life is full of love. The reverse is also true. So, practice cultivating a higher level emotion. One you can recall easily, quickly, imagine well and make grow inside you. Once you master that one, try another, and another until you have a whole list of higher level emotions with which you can view the world around you. That is when life stops happening to you, and begins happening for you. That is when you will see the miracles that your intentions create and draw to your life.

Mantra for today: I am full of (choose your elevated emotion, like gratitude). Each day I strive to create and see the world with the eyes of (insert your emotion, like gratitude).

Namaste, I see you with my eyes of love and gratitude.

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