Life is a gift. Everything in your life is a gift. Our souls work with other souls and the Divine energy of the universe to create a plan to be human. There are certain laws to being human. To be born onto Earth means to forget where you came from, to forget your plan, to forget your history and everything you know. You don’t have to forget. In fact, some children seem to remember their past lives, have a strong connection to the spirit realm, and can clearly state the plan for their life path. Not all children, but certainly some can. Then we forget.
Not sure why we do. It’s probably a combination of things. It is part of the design that we will though. For pretty much all of us, at least part of our life path will involve experiences that will lead us back to the place we forgot we came from. That is why humans developed religions in the first place. On some level we know we came from the Divine and need to get back closer to it. We just can’t remember how to get there. Religion was created to guide us back to the collective energy from which we came. That is Divine energy, and perfect source of love. Our life paths are our personal religious doctrine. Some of our path might be a specific world religion, or perhaps not, but it is our personal life path back to the source, back to perfect love.
All of your life is a gift. Every experience you have has the potential to be your teacher, your comfort, your joy, your peace, your connection, and your way back to the collective. When you felt pain, did it show you that you were in need of healing? Did it push you to look inside yourself, to make a connection, to go to counseling, see a doctor, etc.? When you felt joy, did it remind you that you are loved, that there is more to life than just this existence, that you are an awesome soul, and can do anything, etc.?
You choose the frame for every picture. If your frame is one of gratitude, even when you cannot see what for, your picture will become clear when it is it is the perfect time for you to see. You will feel peace knowing that it is all for you and keep moving toward your purpose. If you choose to fight the experience believing it is not happening for you, but that it is something happening to you and out of your control, you will find more pain and suffering in that thought. You will fight the experience, perhaps making it worse, perhaps missing the purpose, perhaps prolonging the time it takes to gain that purpose, thus repeating the experience over and over.
How many times have you been presented with the same situation over and over again? Do you keep saying, “Why is this happening to me again?” with the attitude that it should not be happening again. What if instead of asking why with an attitude of it shouldn’t be, we asked why with an attitude of, “Of course this is happening. I still have something to gain from it.” We can then have gratitude for another opportunity to learn the lesson, build a skill, build a connection to someone, or gain a perspective. Whatever the experiences is meant to give you, have you tried to see it, learn it, embrace it as something completely purposeful and FOR your benefit?
I realize with some things this can be difficult to see. When I was in the depths of depression and could see no other way to survive, and I was sure my death was the best thing for everyone in my life, including myself, I was not able to see the purpose of being there. I could not see why I was going through that pain. I could not see the purpose for having to be that person, and have those experiences. I had those experiences from the time I was a pre-teen until I was around 38. It was not constant, but they came and went and were pretty intense in my teens and thirties. Even after I began to recover and get my life together, the depression lifting, and my head on more straight, I did not understand why I had to go through all of that for so long.
Then I did. Recently someone in my circle died from suicide. All of the sudden I knew why I had to go through that experience, even why I had to survive it. Because these people in my soul group would need my perspective on this type of death. They would need someone safe to talk to, who would not judge, and would understand. Suddenly, there were more people who had suicide as a life event around them, either for themselves or someone they loved. People who needed some support, perspective, and hope. Something I was equipped to bring because I had that experience myself. I was then able to be grateful for my life as it had been because it made me who I am now, and that person is someone who is able to give back and love more unconditionally than I ever could have without my experiences.
This blog is more than a minute, and I am sorry for that. Life was not meant to be easy for all of us. Perhaps for some of us it was meant to be that way, but certainly not all of us. We all have a purpose. We may not know what each experience we have is there to provide for the next one or the bigger picture, but know for sure that it has one. If you sit quietly in a place of gratitude for what life is giving you and truly seek it’s purpose, your higher self will tell you when it is time for you to know.
Mantra for the day: I am grateful for my life, the people in it who have come and gone, the experiences which have enriched it and taught me, and for all that it will bring me in my future. I trust the Divine (If that doesn’t work for you, say Higher Self. They are the same.) to take care of me and know what I need to grow and be my best and truest self.
Namaste, I am grateful for you and all you bring to my life.