Meditation Minute – Sun

Today’s meditation quote is:

I open my heart and my life to the creative inspiration of Divine Love. I choose to create happiness in every new day.

In your meditation time, repeat the phrase as  many times as you wish in order to remember it throughout your day. Think about the light from the sun that illuminates your day. As light enters and bring forth the Divine Energy of the universe, it can show you your path. Create the life you want to have. You are powerful. Think of the solar plexus chakra in your belly area, the color of the yellow sun that tells you that you are capable and worthy of your passion and purpose. Go create it, with happiness and Divine Love.

See if you can spend a few minutes thinking about how you will create happiness today. Maybe write down a list or a narrative of how your day will go with you creating happiness for yourself and those around you. Imagine the light of the sun shining through you and touching everything and everyone around you.

Namaste, my creative spirit wishes to inspire yours