Meditation Minute – Patience

Patience is a virtue they say. Well here is a message from the cards today.

Repeat to yourself: I pursue my goals with open receptivity. I am patient and flexible, willing to receive in many surprising and imaginative ways.

While this seems to be about our patience with things happening in the ways we think they should, it is also about us thinking other people should be in certain ways they may not be at this moment.

What if we were able to be open to how life is, rather than pushing it to be something else. Patience is about taking a breath and realizing that it is how it is for a reason. Life happens for us, always. Instead of pushing things to be something else, what if we relaxed and realized they are exactly perfect for us in this moment. People are who they are supposed to be. We are who we are supposed to be, and beautiful things will come to us if we are open to receiving them.

Message today is be open to possibilities! What is here in this life at this moment is perfectly there for you! Be open to the possibility of how that is true.

Namaste, I am open to life and all it has for me today, and all it has for you too!