Meditation Minute – Storm Warning

Something is coming! Whatever it is, it will serve you and is happening for you not to you. It might seem like a tornado, or as of lately in my world, a mighty blizzard with a foot of snow to remove. Upheaval is not a bad thing. It means that you need to make room for something new. Wipe out some old idea. Clear out the piles of snow,  paper, clutter or relationships depending on what is no longer working to serve your journey. Take action and do something about it. The storm is coming, and it isn’t happening to you, it is for you! How will you use the storm to clear the path for you to create the life you are meant to have?

Mantra for the storm: I have the power to persevere in any storm. No matter what chaos or upheaval life throws at me, I am safe, strong, supported and abundant. The storm is for me!
