Meditation Minute – Archangel Michael, Root Chakra

The first chakra, the root chakra, is the basis of security and stability. When we feel secure and safe in our lives, we also feel well grounded, rooted in our lives. When this chakra is out of balance or closed, we begin to feel unsafe, insecure, unstable. Our sense of having enough, or all that we need can be shaken.

Today, focus on abundance, safety, strength. If you are already feeling those things, thank Archangel Michael for his guidance and strength through any tough times that have come before now. If you are not feeling safe or secure, lacking in some way, call on Michael for his strength and guidance through this difficult time.

We are always enough. We always have enough. There is always enough for what each person needs. We are sometimes not in touch with what we actually need in each moment, nor do we always have enough strength to keep going when we perceive ourselves or our lives lacking in some way. In those times it can be tough to see what we have vs. what we do not.

To meditate on the root chakra, envision a red ball of electric light and/or Archangel Michael surrounding you with strength. Let this strength fill you up completely until you are overwhelmed, then release it to the universe. Holding on to something does not make it stay, it keeps you stuck. Breathe in and pull that strength back into your body and life. Breathe out and let it go to the universe to replenish, then back in, and out. While you breathe in the strength of angels, say to yourself:

I am open to the strength of the universe. I am safe, strong, supported and abundant. There is nothing I need that I don’t have.

Namaste, Love is strength, and is always all we need.