Meditation Minute – Feminine Heart Song

Our world sees the feminine as the nurturing side of who we are, the loving, caring, compassionate. It tends to see the masculine as strong, protector, provider, and master. I don’t disagree that there are aspects to personality that tend toward those different degrees of emotion, connection and showing love. I do disagree that either of those is about a person’s gender. When we talk about feminine and masculine, we sometimes think we are discussing the gender of male or female. That isn’t actually the case. All humans have masculine and feminine aspects to who they are regardless of their identified gender. How much of each of those sets of traits you possess or cultivate has nothing to do with an assigned or identified gender. It is about who you are as a human. Humans are complicated and never just one thing or another, never masculine or feminine, always masculine and feminine. Not as a gender, but as a set of traits attributed to those terms.

Today’s meditation is on your feminine heart song. It is not a meditation for women or for men or for any one type of person. It is for all of us.

Consider your soft heart. The squishy part of your soul that has the compassionate and nurturing side to it. The part that tears up at sappy movies, or commercials, that likes romantic movies where everyone gets the relationship they want and need. Consider the part of you that leans into love and connection to others and is open to receiving love in return. This is not something for women to be and connect to, or for men not to be and to avoid. It is for everyone cultivate, connect to and appreciate inside themselves. Everyone has a loving, squishy, open and nurturing heart, when we are able to connect to it.

Today, try to connect to your soft and loving heart. The Heart Chakra is green and tells us that we are love, we are open to love, and we give love freely. Be compassionate with yourself and others. Nurture your relationships with yourself and others. Be soft. Be kind. Be loving. If there is a place in your life where you have not been as loving and compassionate as you want to be, focus attention there. If there is a place you wish to see more love and nurturing for yourself or others, focus your attention there. Be Love and attract love to your life.

Breathe deeply, easily and softly filling your heart with warm green loving heart chakra energy. Say to your self, a mantra of love, I am love, I give love, I am open to love. I attract the energies of light, love and compassion to my life. Breathe out the light into the universe to connect with the love of everyone else around you.

Namaste, I see you and I love you.