Meditation Minute – Healing and Happiness

The door is always open. The door that leads to healing and happiness is always open. We sometimes need to remember to walk through it.

Lots of life has the potential to get us down and create un-wellness either physically or mentally. Healing and happiness are always there though, even when we are not able to see them.

Today’s message is to walk through the open door. Negativity may be all around you, but positive energy is also there. Notice the changes around and within you. You are always growing and changing in new and positive ways. The world is too. Sometimes that might seem hard to believe, but it is true! You are more awake than ever. The world is more awake than ever before. Even if not everyone is awake, more and more are waking up everyday.

Spring is just around the corner, both literally (it’s almost March here), and figuratively. With Spring we see new growth and potential for life, which can be hard to see under 3 feet of snow. It’s still there with all of the same potential, we just need to wait for it to show up!

Life is like that too. Potential is always there, always! To find it we just have to look, and sometimes have to wait a minute. Spring is coming! The potential of love, happiness, wellness, beauty, creativity, and abundance are already with you! Notice them, welcome them, walk through the door and embrace them. They are there for you, for all of us.

Namaste, Love and Light to you!

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