Opening Meditation for the Monster Exercise

  • Close your eyes or watch a repeating visual image, like a kaleidoscope, a fire, or fractal pattern.
  • Breathe.
  • Pay attention to your breath. Breathe in slowly. Breathe out slowly.
  • Relax your physical body.
  • Move from your toes to the top of your head moving, stretching, flexing and relaxing each part of your body. Give each area several seconds of attention before moving up to the next one.
  • Begin with your toes. Wiggle them. Stretch, flex and relax.
  • Move to your ankles and calves. Stretch, flex and relax.
  • Next focus on your knees and thighs. Flex and relax.
  • Now move to your hip and waste area. Stretch, flex and relax.
  • Focus on your hands and wrists. Stretch, flex and relax.
  • Draw attention to your arms and elbows. Stretch, flex and relax.
  • Move to your stomach. Stretch, flex and relax.
  • Notice your chest. Breathe in and out slowly. Follow your breath in and out. Stretch, flex and relax
  • Focus on the muscles in your face. Stretch, flex and relax.
  • Pay attention to your head and neck. Move your head around stretching and relaxing your neck
  • Focus on your breath. Take several deep, slow breathes in . . . and out . . .
  • Open your mind’s eye to begin to see. Bring to mind a red swirling ball of light. Red is the color of your root chakra. It represents your elemental feelings of grounding, safety and abundance.
  • Watch the light gather around your feet building in intensity and energy, then watch it flow in waves around your legs, torso, shoulders, neck and head. Then watch it leave you as it began in a wave out of the top of your head. Watch the light rise above your body and join with the light of the universe and with all of creation.
  • Watch the light again. See it grow over your head, then return to you coming down through your head in waves, covering your whole body and pooling around your feet.
  • As you breathe in and out watch the light gather around your feet, surround you and rise up out of your head. Then watch it gather energy from the universe, return to you through your head and surrounding you again with the red light of your root chakra.
  • Breathe the light into existence. Create it around and through you and release it to the universe to gather more energy then return to you. Breathe it in, breathe it out. Breathe it in, and breathe it out.
  • Now say to yourself, “I am safe, strong, supported and abundant.” At your core. Red light means you do not need protection because you are already safe, strong, supported and abundant.
  • Say it to yourself again, “I am safe, strong, supported and abundant.”
  • And once more, “I am safe, strong, supported and abundant.”
  • Begin now to open yourself to see your inner monster. Draw your attention to your thoughts and emotions.
  • Think about the ones that draw your energy and vibrations down. When do you think angry thoughts? How do you feel angry feelings? Are you frustrated by something or someone? Are you afraid, worried, anxious or lack confidence in yourself? Are there situations you are avoiding, people, or places? Have you lashed out at others, yourself or the world in general? Did you say a hurtful word? Did you make fun or light of something, or someone? Did you snap, yell, or accuse? Have you judged yourself or other people harshly, unfairly, or with malice?
  • Who are you when you are thinking, feeling or doing those things? What do you look like? Look at your face, your body, the inside your heart? What does that look like when you are like this? What are you doing? Who are you being in those moments?
  • Why do you think you do it? Why do you judge, get angry, lash out, or turn on yourself? What kinds of events are happening? What are you doing? What are others doing? Where are you?
  • What do you think you hope to achieve by doing these things, thinking these things, feeling these things? Why do you think that way? What or who are you trying to defend, protect, hurt, or avoid?
  • This is your inner monster. We have been taught that it is there to protect us, and it certainly can. Really look at these situations, though. Did it protect you, or did it protect itself? Your monster is your ego, your sense of self separate from others. Is it really there to protect you or to protect itself from being lost? Is it there to keep you safe, or there to ensure you do not know that you are already safe?
  • What is the result of it showing up? Do you feel safer? Do you feel more confident? Are you now more worried about how people will see you as your monster? Does your monster bring you peace, joy, and calm? Or does it bring you fear, anger, frustration and pain?
  • Hold the thoughts of your monster in your mind as you come back to the room. Breathe, hold onto the images, and return to the present moment. When you are ready, continue with the monster exercise.


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