Closing Meditation for the Monster Exercise

    • Close your eyes or watch a repeating visual image, like a kaleidoscope, a fire, or fractal pattern.
    • Pay attention to your breath. Breathe in and out slowly. In and out, slowly.
    • Relax your body. Move from your toes to the top of your head slowly breathing in and out flexing and relaxing until your body is fully relaxed.
    • Allow your mind to roll over your experiences today. Remember the images you saw, the feelings you had, the moments of awareness that were brought to you.
    • Don’t try to hold onto any of them, just allow them to float through your consciousness freely, like clouds in your mind’s eye. Watch them float by. Notice them and allow them to keep moving.
    • Recall your monster. Its thoughts, feelings, actions. See how it has worked for you, taught you important things, and how it protected you in times of confusion.
    • Notice how in those and other times your monster kept you from seeing things clearly, growing as a person, and also from being and feeling that you are safe. Remember the times what you thought was going to make you safer, actually caused more pain and suffering for you.
    • In those moments, only the monster, the ego, was protected, not you and not your connection to your higher wisdom and self.
    • It is okay. Your monster served its purpose, to ensure your physical survival to this point in your life. You don’t need it anymore though. You are wiser than that. You know that you are always as safe as is possible, monster or no monster.
    • So, thank your monster for being there for you, for providing you opportunities, safety, space to become who you are. Thank it for bringing in the experiences you needed to have to become who you are now. Thank it for being exactly who it was supposed to be, protector of your ego.
    • Have compassion and understanding for when your monster did more harm than good, for when it protected itself instead of actually protecting your soul, for when it held you back, blinded you, and put you in danger.
    • Love your monster. Bring to mind a bright green light of love. Green represents the heart chakra. Watch the light swirl around your monster soothing it and calming it. Watch the light cover over you and your monster bringing you together closer. See your monster clearly for what it is and surround it with the green light of love.
    • Say to yourself, “I am love, I give love, and I am open to love.”
    • Say it again, “I am love, I give love, and I am open to love.”
    • One more time, “I am love, I give love, and I am open to love.”
  • Part of love is forgiveness, not giving it, but asking for it also. In Hawaiian it is called Hoʻoponopono. With this you say, “I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”
  • For those you have hurt with your monster, say “I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”
  • For you, who you have hurt with your monster, say to you, “I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”
  • To your monster, who you have used to protect your ego, who you have used to justify yourself, and keep yourself stuck, say, “I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”
  • Now tell your monster that you no longer need its protection. You are safe, strong, supported and abundant without it.
  • Bring back the swirling ball of red light to join in with the green light. Combine the green light of love with the red light of safety and abundance. Create one swirling light ball of the two colors and feelings.
  • Cover you and your monster with the combined light and energy of your healing chakras. Love your monster. Tell it you are safe, strong, supported and abundant.
  • Gather the lights together. Watch them grow and surround you and your monster. Watch the lights swirl up and out of your head. See the lights carrying your monster away with them. Watch the monster rise up out of your body into the expanse of the universe. Watch it combine with the energy of all creation and with your higher self all becoming one energy. See your higher self and your monster together. Watch your monster evolve into something other than ego. Watch it become a part of your higher being and the universal consciousness. See it evolve into a being of love, light, wisdom and peace.
  • Your monster no longer protects. It reminds you that you are always already safe, strong, supported and abundant. It no longer needs to be angry and frustrated, hurtful and judgmental. It can be love because you are love.
  • Breathe in and out slowly watching the monster float away to the universe combined with the higher energy. Watch it begin to work for you instead of against you, be your guide, your muse, instead of your protector.
  • Say goodbye to the old ways the monster kept you from being whole, safe, and supported, and hello to the new ways the monster will show you your strength and resiliency.
  • Breathe in and out watching your monster become your companion along with all that is, and all that was, and all that will be, no longer armor to keep out life, but red and green light to let in love, safety, strength, support and abundance always.




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