
Chakras are energy centers in our body. There are many different ones, 26+, but most people think about the main 7 that run along our spine/torso through our head. They are Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, 3rd Eye and Crown. There are a few different names or labels for these, but these are the most commonly used. Details on each of the 7 Chakras is below.

Healing your Chakras is essential to a balanced and healthy life. Energy is meant to flow through and around us freely. Energy can get stuck when we become attached to things, ideas, people, events, thoughts and so on. When that happens, we can get blocked Chakras. A blocked Chakra can cause illness, depression, sleeplessness, anxiety, anger, pain etc.. Keeping them flowing and as open as possible is super important. The process of working on a Chakra can be called a number of things. We’ll just call it healing them.

On the “Exercises” page, there is a meditation practice with Chakras that is designed to support healing and improve the flow of energy. Please check it out and let us know what you think.

First Chakra: Root

The Root Chakra is bright red and is located at the base of your spine. It is connected to the earth and associated with everything that is necessary for survival: finances, food, shelter, self-defense, and nurturing relationships.

It is necessary to heal this particular chakra first in order to establish a strong, rooted foundation to heal your entire energy body. If one chakra is imbalanced, the others will be as well. Root down to rise up.

Second Chakra: Sacral

The Sacral Chakra is a deep orange color and is located in the lower abdomen. It is associated with reproductive organs and is therefore deeply connected to creation, creativity, joy, sensuality, and passion.

When you are in flow with your passion, purpose, and sexuality, your Sacral Chakra is active and vibrant and you are more capable to literally create your life the way you wish to see (and live!) it.

Third Chakra: Solar Plexus

The Solar Plexus Chakra is a golden-yellow and is literally a convergence of nerves, veins, and tissue located between your belly button and diaphragm. This chakra represents your sense of self, willpower, self-confidence, purpose, and wisdom.

The energy of this chakra allows you to bring you intention to reality through action. Take action on the things you intend to do and feel the sense of accomplishment that accompanies this success. Let your soul shine through your Solar Plexus Chakra and allow the world to feel your brilliant radiance.

Fourth Chakra: Heart

The Heart Chakra is a bright green color and is located in the center of your chest above or over your heart – merging the lower chakras (finite) with the upper chakras (infinite). Not surprisingly, the Heart Chakra is associated with unconditional love (for self, others, and the earth) and is the embodiment of compassion, empathy, and centeredness.

The energy of this chakra integrates dualities (or opposites) in the psyche: mind and body, male and female, ego and unity. It is the alchemizer between our earthly, human desires and our cosmic fate. When the heart is open, love flows freely to you and from you.

Fifth Chakra: Throat

The Throat Chakra is a clear and vibrant blue color and is located at the center of your neck in the throat. The throat is the first of the infinite, upper chakras and is the only channel between the head and the heart.

This chakra allows you to express yourself and your authenticity with your voice as your vehicle. Many people who deny their authentic truth or don’t voice desires and concerns can manifest throat-related diseases. Stand up for what you believe in and allow others the experience of being heard. These important actions will empower your communication center.

Sixth Chakra: Third Eye

The Third Eye Chakra is a bright indigo color (or purple) and is located on the forehead between the brows, and also includes the pineal gland.

“Close both eyes to see with the other eye.” – Rumi

The energy of this chakra allows you to see both inner and outer worlds clearly and with insight. It is the seat of wisdom and the center for processing and understanding all that is happening within and around you. An unbalanced Third Eye Chakra is caught in societal conditioning and believing illusions. Seek to uncover and understand the deeper truths in your daily life to open your Third Eye Chakra.

Seventh Chakra: Crown

The Crown Chakra is a pure white light (or violet) at the crown of our head and is our direct connection to the universe, to the divine, and to all that is infinite.

The energy of this highest chakra invites inner peace, expanded insight, deep trust, and liberation. A balanced Crown Chakra liberates the spirit yet also keeps us deeply rooted to the earth. Feeling the higher power within and without will help you see and feel that everything is connected.

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