Today, I launched this site live, updated several posts, and then sent the link to a group of people. I am feeling anxious about sharing this. I know this is my ego trying to protect me from being hurt when people don’t like what I have to say. My higher self is asking me to breathe and trust. I can tell the difference because my ego, while trying to protect me, almost always hurts me by telling me things that are not real, and that are anxiety producing, fear or anger based, which in turn is the opposite of how I want to feel and act in the world. My higher self sends me peace and calm and a knowing that all things are exactly how they are supposed to be and working for the greater plan we all have for ourselves and one another. Breathe I tell myself from my higher self. Release the thoughts coming from the ego, and breathe. I’m working on it. Love and light to you. Namaste